

Hello, my name is Scott Farley.

After devoting sixteen years of my career to talent management and learning, I'm finding myself more excited than ever to be a part of a field that fundamentally believes in the power of the individual to learn, grow, and contribute to something greater.  Over the last two years, I've been given the opportunity to explore the ways in which diversity and inclusion can make a difference - by facilitating business success, and by creating a culture that celebrates authenticity and unique perspectives.

The Bold Red Line takes its name from a childhood cinematic experience that had a significant impact on me.  Watching Raiders of the Lost Ark opened my eyes and my mind to the idea that the world is a big, exciting, fascinating place.  It may sound strange or trivial, but when I look back in my life for formative experiences that led to my interest in culture and diversity, that was a real watershed moment.  In the film, there are scenes where we see the protagonist, Indiana Jones, traveling around the world and his path is illustrated by a bold red line that moves from country to country, city to city, and experience to experience.  That red line has become, for me, emblematic of the literal and figurative journeys that inform my approach to inclusion and diversity in the global workplace.

As I learn more and continue to develop my own thinking , I'll be sharing my ideas about diversity, talent and learning. So I invite you to join me, and offer your perspectives.  Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media using the icons below!